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My Story

Hello my name is Nikita Georganas, I’m a former Police Officer turned high school teacher who's passionate about health and wellness. Through life experience and various courses and literature I have learned to transform my life and would love to help you do the same with yours.  


I specialize in helping people identify and achieve their personal goals by coping with the issues that are causing them anxiety and stress. Through my life coaching practice and a range of transformative tools including breathwork, meditation, reiki, hypnosis and the study of the power of the mind, I am here to guide you towards finding balance in your life. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, panic attacks, self esteem or confidence issues, weight loss, insomnia, or other issues, I am here to support you.


If you're ready to take control of your life and embark on a path of positive change, I invite you to join me at Isosoma Therapy. Together, we will uncover your true potential and create lasting, meaningful change. Let's find your balance and unlock your full potential today!

Sat on the Rocks
Underwater Dive

Find your Balance


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The Mind Body Approach

The mind and body are intimately connected and they both need to be addressed in most health related situations. This  is why, I use a combination of physical and mental techniques in my coaching approach.

Calligraphy master writing on red paper on Tet
Girl Relaxing

Introspection and self mastery

"Know thyself". Socrates famous quote is  exactly what I"m passionate about helping you discover!  Learning to better understand your mind and body leads towards a happier, healthier life.


Although life may through many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

Mindfulness Sessions

Looking for help overcoming  fears, health issues or simply feeling more energized and motivated?  Mindfulness sessions will help you refocus your attention on what is truly important to you and will help you achieve more of your personal and professional goals.

Reiki and Breathwork

I am a reiki and breath practitioner. Two modalities that can help yield powerful results at times when your in need of a boost or a nudge to get back on track,

We breathe everyday without thought or effort taking it for granted. However many of us have developed bad breathing habits that have a direct or indirect impact on our energy and stress levels. The good news is that with some quick guidance and practice you can initiate lasting revitalizing changes.

I'd love to help you learn to better help yourself.  So just reach out and let's connect!

Sunset in the Nature

Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart

Roy T. Bennett

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